5 Stars: The Experience of A Lifetime
I’ve seen a lot of people talking about this service and there is a lot of misinformation out there so I want to set the record straight. I hired a Dispo for my friend’s bachelorette party because our friend group is into a lot of extreme experiences. We have done bungee jumping in Panama, skydiving in South Africa, white-water rafting in Colorado, paint balling, and even taken dune buggies through the Sahel, and this absolutely takes the cake. Nothing was equal to the thrill of “killing” someone.
Yes, I put killing in quotes because a lot of people don’t seem to understand how this works even though all the information is there on the website, and it’s all perfectly legal, and literally thousands of people have done it.
So, we got a standard “fun” package, no special requests, and we were pleasantly surprised with our Dispo. He arrived five minutes early and the app alert worked perfectly.
He was dressed nicely in the white paper Dispo suit (you can pay extra for costumes but we didn’t bother.) Not that it matters, but he was surprisingly fit and attractive. He was very polite and soft spoken, and he didn’t make eye contact or speak unless we addressed him directly. We invited him into the living room (we were staying at a rental cabana in Cabo, though he clearly wasn’t Mexican.) we wanted to ask him some questions to make sure this was ethical and we were all very satisfied with the answers.
Like others have said, he wouldn’t tell us his name, and it’s rude to ask because they really won’t tell you, (they’re not allowed to, but if you absolutely need them to have a name you can just tell them what you want them to go by). We didn’t bother since we weren’t interested in playing out any weird fantasies, we just wanted to try this novel experience.
First, we asked the Dispo if he had signed up on his own or if he was coerced. He told us calmly that he had signed up two years ago after his family had fled some kind of conflict in his home country. He said that he and his whole family were targeted by death squads, and that Thrillium had offered his whole family asylum in the US if he signed up. He said it was an easy decision and he didn’t even hesitate. He applied via the app, and after being accepted his family was able to leave the refugee camps and move to an apartment complex sponsored by Thrillium in Michigan. They lived there fully supported by Thrillium for two years. And his wife and three children are guaranteed housing and a pension for seven years after he’s gone, and even get education vouchers to premium skill classes. So he was not exaggerating when he said that Thrillium had completely changed his life and this was totally worth it to him in every way.
Needless to say that we were satisfied. He said that if anything we should feel good about what we were doing, because if you’re reading this you know a Thrill Kill is NOT CHEAP, and that money goes to pay for his family to have a better life.
Then we asked if he would feel any pain. He said no. He explained that once you sign up to be a Dispo they start you on a course of drugs that slowly and painlessly degenerate parts of the brain. He explained that it’s basically a chemical lobotomy, but much more advanced and totally benign. He said that the drugs just felt pleasant and calming, and that they took away any sense of fear or distrust or pain or really any negative feelings at all. Actually, I was feeling kind of jealous, lol, because it sounded kind of great. (Where can I get those drugs?) So he said he basically experienced two years of totally blissed out living, though he did say that the only negative consequence of the nerve death is that he basically got leprosy, lol. He couldn’t tell whenever he would cut or injure himself so his wounds would get infected, but it wasn’t a big deal, because as part of the program he got biweekly checkups and his healthcare was totally paid for by Thrillium so he was completely healthy. Lol, he has better healthcare than I do. I’ve seen other people say they were sent really unhealthy Dispos and that it was kind of a downer, but that wasn’t our experience AT ALL.
There are some people here that are kind of sick and they are using these Dispos for all kinds of messed up reasons. They want to play out some weird fantasy so if you want to you can pay extra for your Dispos to act so they scream and cry when you “hurt” them. But to be clear: they are acting! It is not the Dispo screaming because they are scared or hurt. It is people asking them to do this!
Okay, so lastly we asked if he or his family would feel any resentment towards us for what we were doing and he was very clear that he could not feel resentment and even if he could he wouldn’t. He just felt a deep sense of peace and readiness and if anything he felt gratitude towards us for patronizing this service that had saved his family and that if he hadn’t signed up he was sure that his whole family was going to be killed horribly and so he was just really really grateful. And by this point some of us were crying because it was just so moving everything he was saying and I gave him a hug and I felt that peace he was experiencing and I am sure, sure, sure he wasn’t faking that.
So after that we felt completely sure with our decision and felt really good about everything. We offered him some champagne, but he politely declined, but he did eat some of the tacos al pastor we had delivered and he said they were delicious. We did pay to have some “fun” with his body, but after the talk we had with him and learning about his wife and his family, none of us really felt that was appropriate anymore, so we pretty much ate the cost on that one and didn’t try to undress him or anything.
Actually, if I had one note, and I’m not complaining because I understand why they do this. But I think they almost make him too relatable, like, lol, we’re trying to have an experience here and if you meet like a really great nice peaceful guy it makes it harder to want to kill him. But he insisted and said that he really wanted to die and that nothing would make him happier, and if we didn’t fulfill the contract it could jeopardize his family’s benefits, so really we would actually be putting him in a bad position if we didn’t go through with it.
Obviously anyone can choose how they want to do it though some things, like dismemberment, ew, cost extra. What we did was there was this beautiful cliff by our rental that’s right over the Pacific Ocean, so we all went there, and lol, we let him drive, he wanted to drive a car so we let him. I was kind of afraid he was going to crash us all, but he was fine, lol. So we went to the cliff and we all dressed in white, we all had these matching dresses (check my profile for a review of the SumrTang Wrap Dress!) And it was sunset, you know, so the sun was setting in the west, like right over the ocean. And we took him to the edge of the cliff and then we all got rocks and stones, and once again we were like, you’re sure you can’t feel this? And he said no.
So we made Brittany go first, the bride to be, and she didn’t even hesitate, she just hit him right in the head, BLAM, with a rock right to the face, and that kind of broke the ice. He fell to his knees and we were just like dying, it was so funny. Then Meg hit him in with the champagne bottle and then our adrenaline was up and we just went at him with the stones and kicking and...wow.
There really is nothing like it. Like, you don’t think you can do it. But it’s there. In you. This urge to just let loose and tear a man apart. I couldn’t believe it. Can’t describe it. I just felt like all the tension — all the parking tickets, and all the men catcalling me (and my ex, lol), and all the surprise bills, and all the little stresses that get stuck inside you — I just felt them all pouring out and IT FEELS SO GOOD.
The closest thing to relate was skydiving, just this feeling of letting go, and being in total free fall. But this was like an emotional, like a spiritual free fall. I felt like an animal, like a tiger must feel.
There’s no real point in trying to describe it. You really have to try it. Overall, the experience was totally worth it and I would totally do it again, but it’s kind of pricey so that won’t be anytime soon. If you think you might be interested in this kind of experience, don’t hesitate, just do it.
Also, we didn’t pay for the cleaning fee; we just dumped him over the cliff, and to be honest, I don’t think he was even fully dead so it was probably the cliff that killed him if anything.
2 Stars: Service NOT Consistent
I have done 2 dispos, one personally just because I was bored, and one as a kink with a gf. The first service was fine, I have no complaints, though the dispo died a lot earlier than I expected. My second experience was really bad. The dispo was covered in tattoos and had a scar across his abdomen. We paid for the “fun” upgrade but my gf was so freaked out she didn’t even want to do anything and just wanted him gone. I can’t blame her; he was gross. I wound up having to kill the dispo myself and it was NOT fun. We were planning on doing a whole snuff blood play snuff film thing, but I wound up having to run over him in my truck and now his nasty brains are stuck in my right wheel well. Yeah, that’s on me because I didn’t pay the clean up fee, but I wasn’t planning on having to kill him like that!
Turns out, there’s not even a number to call for customer service, you have to go through the app. Good luck getting a real person to talk to you! They jerked me around for hours.
I found out from the forums that other people have the same issue. Most states rely on right to die laws for the dispo contracts to be legal but the states that don’t have them rely on PRISON WAIVERS. So in my state all the of the dispos come from PRISONS and the people signing the waivers are all on DEATH ROW. You’re basically paying to execute people, saving the prison money, and they’re making money on you paying for the dispo! It’s a scam!
I asked for a refund but all they gave me was a voucher for a new dispo.
4 Stars: A Great Team Building Experience
I have been using Dispos for the past five years as part of company team building exercises and I can say without a doubt it is extremely effective. The Dispos arrive on time and for the most part they are clean and healthy. They never talk back or complain and for the most part behave exactly as promised on the website. If you are wondering whether they are appropriate for a professional or corporate environment I can say unequivocally yes. I usually bring them up to a conference room for what we jokingly call “the blooding.” Then I have all the new hires take a knife. We don’t buy the knives from Thrillium; we order our own with a corporate logo on the blade. I have the Dispo lie on a table and then have all the new hires stab them. I make sure that they all stab at least halfway to the hilt, and I make sure that they all stab at the same time so none of them can wait for the Dispo to bleed out. I also note which of the new hires show the most enthusiasm, how deeply they bury the knife, and if any take the initiative on a second stab. I find that the shared act of killing really cements the bonds between coworkers, and also sets a good standard for the level of obedience and willingness to center the company’s needs over other concerns. This has long historical precedence and proven efficacy. Notably, soldiers in Vietnam when committing acts of extreme belligerence, falsely labeled “war crimes” would ensure that all members of a squad performed the deed so that they would all be equally responsible.
The only reason I give the Dispo service four instead of five stars is I think the clean up service could be improved. The cleaners often miss blood stains and sometimes even clumps of hair and gore. Supposedly the Dispos undergo a purge and enema before deployment to avoid embarrassing bowel movements, but at least two Dispos have defecated after being stabbed and the cleaning crew failed to eliminate the scent. We are paying a premium price, so I expect premium service.
1 Star: Can’t pcik race of dispo???
No where on the app lets you choose disops race / ethnicity, don’t you think that would be important option?? wtf LET US CHOOSE.
2 Stars: Father Son Vacation Package a Joke
I have not used a dispo but I did pay for the father son vacation package from this company and they actually CLOSED THE COMMENTS AND SHUT DOWN THE WEBSITE TO HIDE THE TRUTH. SO I’M POSTING HERE. The “son” they sent me was way too old, like thirteen and I asked for eight to nine. Big difference! And he was giving me attitude the whole time and whenever he said “Dad” I did not believe he cared at all. Not at all like the son I would have and certainly not the son I paid for! This company is a scam and they sell fake experiences, not at all like they advertise. They refused my refund because I finished the vacation, even though I didn’t enjoy it. The only reason I gave this two stars instead of one is because the staff at the retreat were very well behaved and attentive and the bottomless shrimp was very good.
5 Stars: An Invaluable Training Tool
My local shooting range recently allowed us to bring in dispos and it is a total game changer. You can shoot a target for years but it won’t come close to the experience of seeing a 9mm full metal jacket penetrate a human eye socket.
The only downside is the cost is quite high; unless you are making six figs you’ll likely have to pool funds to experience this regularly.
I recommend tying your target securely to a post with zip ties, a strong wire, or even duct tape will do in a pinch. This will keep them from dropping. Work your way up, aiming first at the kneecaps, then the groin, the belly, the chest, and finally the skull. This will give you more bang for your buck. If you just shoot them in the head like I did the first time they will just drop and it can be awkward to reposition them. If you want to test the effects of various munitions on the human body then you can get a lot of use from the dispo after they’re dead. It’s pricey but I do recommend the cleanup. You can’t put the dispos in the trash in my district; the trash men will not pick it up, and the bodies decay very quickly in the heat. Maybe if you live somewhere with cold weather you could store them in a garage or a shed but you would still probably attract vermin.
2 Stars: Not any women
I have been trying to order a female dispo with the “fun” option for three months, and they still don’t have any in stock. Every time I check the app when I try to select the gender the option for woman is grayed out and it says “not available in your area.” Why are there no women available? Why are the vast majority of dispos men? FIX THIS?
5 Stars: Amazing for Self Confidence
My son was getting bullied at school. I bought a dispo and had my son beat him to a pulp in the garage. Hours of crying and complaining and bloody knuckles gave way to a quiet resolve. The transformation was remarkable. I was never so proud of my son as when he drove his thumbs through the dispo’s eyes. He became a man in that moment.
We are men. We are meant to kill or be killed. Finally, we have a service that lets us live our nature.
When word got around what Jake had done, needless to say the bullying stopped.
1 Star: Basically dead already
Uh, the dispo they sent over had to be like 80 or something. His hair was all white and his skin was wrinkled and covered in liver spots and eczema. I was afraid he was going to die of a heart attack before I even got started. Total waste of money. It completely breaks the idea you are killing someone if they’re basically a walking corpse. I just taped a plastic bag around his head and he suffocated in like three seconds. It was lamer than flushing a goldfish down the toilet. They need to have an age limit or something.
3 Stars: Too Much Money to Be Worth It
You get to kill someone. Can be really cathartic.
Easy ordering process. App-based system works. Pretty easy logistically.
Decent customization options. Some options let you play with the dispo’s body before destroying it.
Really expensive. Even a basic package with a local dispo can be north of $25,000. Not affordable for everyday people.
Can’t really choose appearance of dispo. I guess it’s a supply issue but they often seem to be sold out of women. Some of the dispos look like they’re already dying.
Clean up can be a huge problem if you don’t spring for the expensive cleaning packages.
If you really want to get a good killing experience, you’re better off spending your money visiting a country with laxer murder tourism laws. You can stay at a nice hotel, get all your drinks and food included, and still afford a decent snuff. Some places are trying to get rid of undesirable populations and will even let you kill people for free.
4 Stars: Good but overacting
I hired a dispo for a murder mystery party I was hosting. Everyone was duly impressed when the lights went out and the “murderer” stabbed them in the chest. But oh my god, the overacting! The dispo was screaming and wailing and yelling I’ve been killed! They killed me! Give me a break. It was too much and made it seem goofy. I know they don’t feel pain so they have to act, but I’m paying for that! It would be better if they had an option to order dispos that could still feel pain and fear for a more realistic performance.
2 Stars: Upcharge to eat the body
Are you kidding me!!? Apparently Thrillium injects dispos with magnesium salts prior to deployment, specifically to spoil the taste of their meat! Whaat? You have to pay to remove the injections, another $800??? This is just a pure cash grab from yet another greedy company. There is no reason to do this other than to shake down loyal customers for more money.
5 Stars: Make Sure You Are Buying A Real Dispo!
Please, people, order from the APP. There are so many scammers and imitators out there. My friend bought a “dispo” at a discount from a shady website and two men who hadn’t been processed at all showed up at his house and robbed him blind. He was out the ten thousand he paid for the fakes, and then he got tied up and robbed in his own house!!! Real dispos will be marked on their wrists, forehead, the back of their neck, and calves. If you don’t see the Thrillium logo — it is not a real dispo! You could be liable for murder or worse, get scammed!
3 Stars: Dispo kind of stupid?
The app worked like a charm and the dispo arrived on time, but she was kind of off. We didn’t specify a gender but we expected a man and were surprised when we got a woman. We didn’t pay for the “fun” option and we’re not into that whole scene. She was kind of older, like forty, and looked pretty beat up. She seemed to have troubled focusing her eyes or hearing or something and didn’t seem to understand what we were saying. She couldn’t answer basic questions or follow instructions. I think her meds were off or something, she seemed completely out of it and she was drooling and I think she pissed herself.
We bought some axes to chop her up, again expecting a man. I guess we should have specified and bought a costume. It was kind of weird hitting this kind of stupid old woman with an axe. She barely reacted when I chopped her arm off. Still, it was really satisfying to split her skull open. Obviously she wasn’t using her brain at all.
We didn’t buy cleanup but we did buy the tarp and death box, which worked really well. It kept most of the blood and gore contained and packed up neatly. The pickup service picked the box up, no problem, to go to the crematorium.
Kind of a mixed experience, but I’m glad I did it.
5 Stars: Yes, this is legal!
I am a lawyer and in the course of my job I build up a lot of stress. I use full-service, premium Dispos to vent the tension I’m feeling and it does wonders. I have reviewed the disposal contracts from start to finish and can assure you they are iron-clad. The human stock who sign up to be disposed of surrender all rights. Most are voluntary euthanasia requests; a few are prisoners scheduled to be executed. You as a client merely fulfill the termination clause, for which you are essentially given carte blanche. The only way you expose yourself to any liability is if you fail to terminate your Dispo so make sure when you sign up that you are completely prepared for what it entails. Make sure when using unconventional methods that your Dispo is completely terminated. If they are merely severely injured, you could be held financially responsible for professional termination.
1 Star: Regret it a lot
I made the mistake of asking my dispo why she signed up. She said she was a single mother and had lost her jobs and couldn’t afford rent or to feed her kid. Thrillium offered her housing and a five-year food voucher guarantee. She said she didn’t have any other options. I think she was a druggy too. It kind of bummed me out. I did buy the “fun” option but she didn’t react at all to anything I was doing. Her eyes were totally blank. It was like she was dead already. I know they can’t feel anything but you’d think she’d moan or something. Do I really need to pay for the acting option? I took her out back and shot her in the head a few times and didn’t feel anything other than just kind of weird and sad. Not the thrilling experience other people had described. Not at all like the videos on the website.
3 Stars: Killing a kid?
I have done three dispos and the first two were great, but the last one was like twenty years old, I swear! Isn’t that a little young to be killed for fun? Shouldn’t he be fighting in the war?
One of the most effective kinds of horror is that which explores the boundaries of what human beings are capable of. Other animals kill for food or to eliminate a threat. Only humans kill for sport.
In this case, the everyday touches, like the occasional lol, made the story all too believable. Brilliant job!
Good lord, this is horrific and intense. It is also disgustingly believable. I couldn't rip my eyes away from this, Andy - you are SO good. And just as Nick said, I kind of hate myself for liking this so much, too. Amazing.